Find. Fight. Cure.


Why Choose Us

Our staff of highly trained and nationally recognized team of physicians and medical professionals, Georgia Breast Care, located in Woodstock, Georgia, has come to be regarded as a leader in providing compassionate and advanced care for breast cancer and all breast-related disorders. Our team specializes in the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of breast-related conditions.

With our robust medical team getting the care you need in a timely and convenient manner has never been easier. We understand that breast-related problems can be stressful, the team at Georgia Breast Care is dedicated to providing each patient who walks through the door with the compassion and understanding care that they deserve. We utilize a comprehensive, team-based approach, bringing leading experts together serving each patient to ensure that the most effective medical care is provided. Our highly trained staff utilize various treatments and techniques with minimally invasive surgery, genetic counseling, cutting-edge imagery, hidden scar, and margin probe by our highly trained professionals.

Our dedicated specialists at Georgia Breast Care regularly attend national breast health conferences to ensure they stay current on the latest protocols and research for the treatment of all breast disorders to maintain their unwavering commitment to the care of their patients. To learn more, please call our office at 678.370.0370.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Kimberly Pinto, PA-C

Kimberly Pinto, PA-C, is a dedicated and caring physicians assistant with a long history working with the Georgia Breast Care team in Woodstock, Georgia. She has made it her mission to provide her patients with early detection and treatment of breast disease, ensuring that they get the timely and compassionate care that they have come to expect.

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Diana Bishop, NP-C

Diana Bishop is an experienced and compassionate nurse practitioner who has dedicated her entire nursing career to women’s health. She is especially interested in preventative health care and cancer risk reduction. She joined Georgia Breast care in 2013 and after taking a temporary leave due to her husband’s job transfer, she returned to the practice in 2022. Her patient care focus has always been to empower women to live their best and healthiest lives.
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Breast Cancer – Where we were, where we are, and where we’re going

When I was training, in the 80's, mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection (modified radical mastectomy) was the mainstay of treatment for breast cancer. With the advent of chemotherapy, the debilitating Halstead radical mastectomy, with removal of pectorals muscle and level III lymph nodes, no longer provided benefit over more limited surgery in most breast cancer ...

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02. Help us understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“The consultation was wonderful. I felt like the doctors were really trying to get to know me, and what I wanted.”

–Patient Review*


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